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Battle Of Britain Simulator Experience for Two

Newcastle upon Tyne

  • It's Me109 vs Spitfire in a virtual battle
  • The high-tech simulators are linked
  • Your voucher is for 2 to battle it out
  • Fly both sims on the 60-min session

What's Included

  • Bring a friend and fly together for a realistic air to air combat experience
  • One person flies in the Supermarine Spitfire and the other in the Messerschmitt BF109K for 30 minute flight durations
  • Opt for the 60-minute flight and you will each have the opportunity to fly in both aircraft
  • Full introduction to the flight controls and aircraft systems
  • The simulators are linked together for a realistic dogfight 
  • Opportunity to take-off, land and try your hand at barrel rolls, stalls and spins!
  • Tuition and guidance from an experienced instructor

What Can I Expect

Go head-to-head in the Battle of Britain simulators! It's going to be an intense aerial dogfight as the two of you battle it out in a duel on these linked simulator sessions in Newcastle.

One of you will be piloting the powerful Messerschmitt Bf109. The other will be flying the legendary Supermarine Spitfire. Both boast full-size replica cockpits and, in fact, some of the parts used to build them are actual genuine parts from original planes. Both are really realistic, right down to the instruments and the high-quality visuals.

Now just imagine the scene. For our young Luftwaffe pilot, the orders were given by Goring that morning. You set off from base with the mission of shooting down Spitfires over the English Channel.

Our young RAF pilot is dozing in a deckchair outside the hut. Suddenly the call comes in: 'Dover 26,000. 50 bandits approaching from the south-east'. Time to scramble to your plane. Mae West on. Engine started. Hood pulled over the cockpit, there's barely time to check the trim wheels or fuel tanks before you're in position for take off, bouncing along the grass runway.

As you move into formation with the other Spitfires of your Squadron, you try and think tactics. But out of the haze comes what looks like the whole of the Luftwaffe. Big heavy bombers at 2 o'clock flanked by the formidable ME109s. You'll both have to keep your head moving, to check back and above for enemy aircraft. But how do you avoid the tracer fire raining down on you? The clattering of your own guns rattles your brain…

Suddenly you're one on one. It's RAF vs Luftwaffe in this battle. The aerial dogfight in full swing and you're right in the middle of it all, as you each battle to control your fighter. And yes, it's a game on these linked sims, but boy does it feel very, very real!

Our top Battle of Britain simulator tip: book the 60-minute experience and you can swap to fly in both simulators!

When Is It Available

  • Vouchers are valid for use Mondays to Fridays throughout the year
  • Weekends are available for an additional charge payable directly when booking your date


  • Brunswick, Newcastle upon Tyne

Suitable For

  • Minimum age 8
  • Under 18s must be accompanied on site by an adult
  • Good mobility is required to climb in and out of the simulators
  • Maximum height 6ft 4ins


  • Guests are welcome at the Centre and make use of the facilities. Due to health and safety access to the simulators is limited to the person for whom the experience is for.

Anything Else

  • A Full HD video of your flight on an SD card can be purchased when booking your date for an additional charge
spitfire in sky
Battle Of Britain Simulator Experience for Two Get this Experience

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