Apple’s latest iPhone 6 or the Bookbook?

The other day our Big Boss here at IntotheBlue skyped us from his iPad – since when did our boss get so tech-savvy? Perhaps since we launched our re-worked IntotheBlue mobile site that’s when. Or maybe just since Apple took over the world we reckon.

new iphone 6

And this week saw the launch of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus. It looks like smartphones are getting wider, and curvier in their old age (a bit like us?!). The launch might all have been ‘amazing’ and ‘incredible’, but is it really?

Of course, any two year old worth their dummy can now swipe to scroll and take selfies, but another marketing campaign launch this week brought a whole new world of gadgetry to us…

It’s called the ‘Bookbook’ and it’s from a fairly well-known furniture retailer. The first thing that is ‘totally amazing’, as our Californian cousins would say, is that there are no cables and no USB. The device comes with content pre-installed, it’s fully charged and the battery life is eternal. The user interface is 7.5 x 8 inches, but can expand effortlessly to 15 x 8 inches.

Even the navigation is child’s play, based on tactile technology. As the video explains: ‘To start browsing scroll right to left to move forward and left to right to move backwards’. Incredibly, pages load and re-load instantly no matter how fast your scroll.

So what is this a.may.zing invention? Well, it’s the new 2015 Ikea printed catalogue, that’s what! But hey, we are loving the marketing parody. Take a look at the vid for yourself and we reckon it’ll make you chuckle.

But seriously, there are more copies of this Swedish brand’s catalogues printed every year than the bible and allegedly one in three people in Europe own or have owned a Billy bookcase. So next time you sit down for a cuppa with colleagues, consider the fact that every third person you speak to should have (or had) a Billy bookcase in their life!

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